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Meeting Invitation
دعوة اجتماع
الى السادة مساهمي
شركة التامين الوطنية م.ع.م
لحضور اجتماع الهيئة العامة […]
Meeting invitation
دعوة اجتماع
الى السادة مساهمي
شركة […]
National Insurance
Co. was established in 1965 in Jordan by a group of prominent businessmen to provide distinguished insurance services to the public and private sectors in this highly specialized business environment.
We deal with the World’s Largest top Rated Reinsurers mainly Swiss Re, Munich Re, and Hannover Re providing the highest level of security to our clients.
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Meeting Invitation
natmin2024-09-08T13:30:10+00:00September 8, 2024|
دعوة اجتماعالى السادة مساهميشركة التامين الوطنية م.ع.ملحضور اجتماع الهيئة العامة [...]
National Insurance
Co. was established in 1965 in Jordan by a group of prominent businessmen to provide distinguished insurance services to the public and private sectors in this highly specialized business environment.
We deal with the World’s Largest top Rated Reinsurers mainly Swiss Re, Munich Re, and Hannover Re providing the highest level of security to our clients.